Society of Neuro Linguistic Programming
Frame is aangesloten bij de internationale Society of Neuro Linguistic Programming. We hebben ons verbonden aan de gestelde kwaliteitsnormen en opleidingseisen.
Citaat van John Lavalle, president van The Society of NLP
“Connie joined our international meeting of the Society of NLP and studied at the Charisma Enhancement Trainers Training. So she is fully licensed. She studied how to be a neuro-linguistic programmer themselve and mastered all the skills and the strategies.
If you want to study the structure of success and have the opportunity to meet Connie in your own field, and have her demonstrate how successful NLP is, go for it!
She will teach you with professionalism and with great enthusiasm in 12 days. And afterwards you’re still welcome during the SuperVISION-days she offers you throughout the year. As Dr. Richard Bandler would say ‘Move on, do your best, and then do better!’
I hope to meet you personally on many NLP occasions.” –
John LaValle,
President of The Society of NLP™
Frame BV en de Society of NLP
Al onze trainers zijn opgeleid door leden van de Society of NLP, Richard Bandler en John Lavalle. Wanneer u een opleiding bij ons volgt krijgt u na afronding een certificaat van de Society of NLP